Titan VPN set up
You can use our VPN to access Titan, and this will give you controlled and limited access to your Titan API platform.
To connect your PC or Edo to the Titan VPN, please follow the instructions below:
1. Download the set up files
Visit the Downloads page and select the VPN downloads
2. Install the VPN software
We use Forticlient VPN, because it comes with built in end point security to protect Titan and your access to the system. Follow the install process by clicking Next when prompted.
3. Apply the Titan settings
The other download is the registry file TitanVPN_config.reg. Double click this file and it will do the set up of the VPN for you.
4. Enter your Titan VPN username and password
These will have been emailed to you, and they are unique to the PC. Input these credentials and select Save Password. Click Connect and you will join your PC to the Titan VPN.